“Always do the right thing, the moral thing, the legal thing… even when no one is watching, when it is unpopular, and especially when threatened to the contrary.”
Welcome, I am Dr. Michael James Troeger of New York, and you arrived at my site embracing various educational topics, humbly disseminated to the educational community. My educational career has been one of dedicated civil service, staunch student advocacy, and relentless efforts of positive school improvement. You will find some of my educational research and musings infra, and as enumerated in the “Resources” section of this website. Please note that this is a safe and respectful space, intended to remain so for the collective good, and to support best practices in the educational community.
There is much talk today about our moral compasses. Perhaps yours needs recalibration, or perhaps you simply arrived here to vet me as a prospective employer or client. You may also be surprised to find that this site is more about vetting you, challenging your individual and systemic concepts of ethical leadership, and ensuring fair treatment of ALL within the school or university walls. If you are an ethical educational leader or institution, I too am seeking to partner with a positive school culture like you; one championing the wellbeing of students, educators, and community.
My students and colleagues describe me as an empathetic educator, and relentless advocate for ALL, making ethical stands promoting positive school improvement, as debunked here:
Noble schools and universities are committed to quality education, ensuring the rights and wellbeing of All students and staff (DEI). Promoting compliance regarding discrimination and harassment is a cornerstone of DEI, and a legally protected activity. To that end, most school board policies and universities require staff to report violations, and as quickly as possible. Protecting the rights of students and staff takes courage, and it is illegal to retaliate against such a person. Educators are sworn to serving students, which leaves no room for discriminatory practices based on race, religion, ability, economics, gender, or any other factor.
According to the EEOC, it is unlawful to retaliate against applicants or employees for:
- filing or being a witness in an EEO charge, complaint, investigation, or lawsuit
- communicating with a supervisor or manager about employment discrimination, including harassment
- answering questions during an employer investigation of alleged harassment
- refusing to follow orders that would result in discrimination
- resisting sexual advances, or intervening to protect others
- requesting accommodation of a disability or for a religious practice
- asking managers or co-workers about salary information to uncover potentially discriminatory wages.
Sadly, toxic cultures(leaders) react differently. Hypothetically, how would you respond if:
- you were directed to look the other way at the abuse or rape of a student?
- you reported discrimination/sexual harassment in your workplace, and you were simply ignored, despite policies which clearly dictate a specific and time sensitive response?
- you, a student, a colleague, or others were targeted with retaliation for speaking up?
- you submitted a complaint of sexual harassment, and your employer assigned the actual sexual harasser to investigate?
- the person in charge of such investigations was disseminating sexual images?
- you were told “To get our attention you will have to sue us!”
- you suffered retaliation for disclosing deficiencies in an IEP or 504 plan?
A reasonable person would believe that this type of employer or culture is averse to mitigation; uncommitted to the wellbeing of students, staff, and compliance to law. Many of you would wrongly deny the existence of such schools. Promoting justice in such schools requires courage, and may result in emotional, physical, and financial harm. Admittedly, my results of promoting school improvement were mixed, where legal expenses caused me to foolishly proceed pro se, absent counsel. Unaware of the process, my concerns were dismissed on technicalities like statutes of limitations and being generally unaware of procedures.
In my opinion, the court systems were futile, where one official told me I had done too much. Another dismissed me regarding issues with my witnesses. In truth, every witness produced a sworn statement attesting they were NEVER even contacted by the investigating agency.
There was some good which came from this, as I am now championed as an advocate for students, especially exceptional students, which had its inceptions in a very negative act during this period. I was assaulted by a student, and instead of pressing charges, I advocated for said student. To wit, in the same year which I became partially disabled, I became a vehement advocate for the disabled.
My staunch advocacy for students, mostly from underrepresented groups, reinforced their innate value, planting a seed of hope. I am humbled that students and parents recognize my efforts and repeatedly share my part in their stories of overcoming injustices, although I have requested strict confidentiality. I am truly grateful that all matters have been successfully resolved. However, even now, it appears there are web based entities presenting me in an unfavorable light for having protected the “least of these”. With much work to be done in our schools and universities, I seek to partner with positive educational cultures and ethical educational leaders, perhaps you!
In sum, during a recent interview I spoke of maintaining ethical standards in hostile work environments, citing: “Always do the right thing, the moral thing, the legal thing… even when no one is watching, when it is unpopular, and especially when threatened to the contrary”.
Michael James Troeger of New York Bio:
Dr. Michael Troeger of New York is an accomplished, award winning doctoral level educator-leader leveraging 20+ years of best educational practice; a compassionate educator of indomitable, undeterred ethical and moral character; committed to infusing hope to ALL students. Troeger states: I am currently “seeking to partner with an educational system led by persons of integrity, where integrous acts are not an anomaly, but the norm; one which I can serve in loyalty and good conscience.”
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As an education leader, I realize that there are many people who want to grow their understanding of key topics within the space. I speak to how accessible resources that demystify ethical leadership in education can be incredibly valuable for students, their families, staff, and education leaders looking to contribute to supportive and inclusive learning environments. For this reason, I will feature content that empowers readers to explore core concepts in education and education leadership.